
Thursday June 23

Yesterday we started the field study class in Dublin. It was so awesome getting to walk around and learn about all the old buildings and see how they were important in the Irish war for Independence. We saw the City Hall and Dublin Castle.
This is the inside of city hall where many of the leaders met to discuss their next move against the British.

Next we when to the library inside trinity college to look at the book of Kells. This library was huge and held tons of ancient, hand written books. There were like 10 guards everywhere you looks. Felt like being in National Treasure, only Irish.

The library was two stories high with books covering every inch of every shelf. 
Then we when to St. Stephens Green which is basically like a huge park in the middle of Dublin that has lots of famous statues in it. 
Everything is so GREEN!!! It was awesome. Even just walking around downtown was beautiful because of all the old buildings that were restored. The people are really nice too. And it rains off and on a lot so you always have to carry an umbrella. And as the Irish say "There is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing". 
"The only time you should look down on somebody is when you are helping them up.
 I ran my own business for many happy years 
until bankruptcy left me with nothing but tears. 
You lose your job, can't pay for rent, 
end up on the streets or even a tent
But everybody deserves another chance in life
To find a job, home, even children and wife.
And there is always hope or so it seems,
So never give in or abandon your dreams
Try to stay positive in everything you do,
The answer to your problems lies within you.
And if you surely believe it you can surely achieve it.
Tough times don't last forever but tough people do
Your life, dreams and destiny are all up to you.
Not all homeless people are lazy or workshy,
Afraid of hard work or even bothering to try.
But I'm the first to hold up my hands and say,
That I've made my fair share of mistakes along the way.
And when I'm down, feel sad and like crying
I never give up or consider to stop trying.
So this is my story I share here today,
I hope it may comfort or inspire you some way.
All I ask is that you read my heartfelt poem,
And take its message with you home.
If you can help in any kind of way,
The drop of a coin will brighten my day"

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